
Psoriasis is a condition in which the skin feels scaly. Although many people think that psoriasis is a skin problem, which is not the case. Psoriasis was previously seen as a manifestation of rapidly dividing skin cells. Nowadays it is increasingly seen as a disorder of the immune system. About 2 percent of the world have the condition. The name psoriasis comes from the Greek, which means the "rash" or "itch".
There are several treatments available for psoriasis. Various ointments and other lubricants have a beneficial effect on the skin. Also special light therapies and spa treatments are among the possibilities.

Horse milk against psoriasis
As an alternative tool in the fight against psoriasis is to try mare's milk. It is no scientifically proven cure, but many users of mare's milk in their condition psoriasis have benefited. Because horse's milk many different proteins and vitamins, and contains a low percentage of fat, it may have a favorable effect on the immune system. This will combat the psoriasis from the inside. Also, there can be treated outside of the skin with a lotion. Due to the relatively low investment in horse milk compared with ointments and other resources, taking mare is worth trying. If it is ordered, it will be sent by mail to your address.

Using mare
Mare's milk is fresh drink. This can be refrigerated up to a few days and is limited. Because of this, we provide a lyophilized form with the same ingredients, but it is to keep much longer and easy to store. This freeze-dried mare's milk powder was constructive from 1 to 3 weeks with 1 teaspoon to 3 teaspoons per day for adults, taken with water or, for example through a desert. The sweet taste is to combine well. Also, the mare milk powder in capsules available which can be ingested.


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